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Petrichor's Essential oils , body & room mists and perfumes are made locally in South Africa . They use the highest quality ingredients and are a combination of oils designed to complement each of the Chakras or energy points of the body . They can be applied to your body , an eye pillow , pillow case or a room diffuser . Scents activate our limbic system and can enhance  feelings  of calm , happiness , alertness and many other emotional responses . All the essential oils are in a base carrier of grapeseed oil . Bottles are 5 ml 



Root Chakra : Palo Santo, Patchouli, Geranium,  Lavendar  

Sacral Chakra : Neroli, Sweet Orange, Patchouli,  Sandalwood 

Solar Plexus : Cedarwood, Lavender, Clary Sage, Grapefruit 

Heart Chakra : Rose, Neroli, African Imortella

Throat Chakra: Peppermint, Cape Chamomile, Lavender

Third Eye : Impepho, Rosemary, Bergomot, Lemon

Crown Chakra : Jasmine, Frankinsense, Sandalwood 

Essential Oils for the Chakras

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